The History Of Olive Oil Soap
What Is In Olive Oil?
Before we get into the benefits of olive oil soap, let's talk about olive oil itself. Not all plant oils were created the same. Extra virgin olive oil is extremely rich in antioxidants and it is also full of fat-soluble vitamins. Olive oil is the main source of dietary fat in the Mediterranean diet. You might have heard that people from the Mediterranean region suffer cardiovascular disease and die from heart problems much less often. When compared to other parts of the world, the Mediterranean diet is the only one that has been shown to reduce the risk of hypertension, stroke, and hyperlipidemia. Yes, consuming this source of fat actually reduces the fat levels in your blood! Scientists are still unsure of how exactly olive oil does that. One of the theories suggests that by reducing inflammation, olive oil protects your cells and slows down ageing. This includes skin cells, too. By incorporating olive oil into your diet and beauty routine, you are well on your way toward a healthier, glowing complexion.Why Make Olive Oil Soap?
It makes sense that the Greeks used olive oil for their soap. It was the most readily available oil! But why would we keep using olive oil for soap making? There are tons of benefits, that is why! Olive oil soap is one of the best natural approaches to dry skin. It is known to be deeply moisturising and nourishing. When you use it over irritated skin, it can help soothe some of the inflammation. Because the olive oil soap doesn't interfere with your skin pH levels, it doesn't disrupt normal skin physiology. Olive oil body washes are ideal for people with irritable skin or certain conditions like eczema. This is because olive oil produces the mildest of all soaps. It doesn't contain common irritants like petroleum oil or animal fats. Olive oil soap is pretty much the superhero of all soaps!Can You Use Olive Oil On Your Face?
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Soap?
There are different grades of olive oil. The main difference between is the acidity, as well as the processing techniques. Extra virgin olive oil is the best type to use for cooking. It's much more expensive but well worth it in terms of benefits. Some olive oil soap brands specify that they only use the highest grade of extra virgin olive oil for their products. This is the ideal case... But it makes the product much pricier! Since all olive oil grades have a similar fatty acid makeup, using a lower grade still yields pretty much the same soap. If you insist on buying extra virgin olive oil soap look out for the color. Pomace oil is the lowest grade of olive oil (actually, it doesn't even get to be called olive oil because it comes from the final 'scraps' of the olive processing). Pomace has a distinct greenish colour. When soap makers use it, it comes through in the final product as a darker hue.As a rule of thumb, the lighter coloured the soap is, the better quality olive oil has been used.
The Top Benefits Of Olive Oil Soap
Now that we've cleared some of the history and science behind olive oil soap, let's look at the main perk of using it. By incorporating olive oil into your beauty routine, you will be reaping all of these benefits!
Moisture, Moisture, Moisture
Winter is officially here and this means it's dry skin season again. The colder weather makes you naturally more prone to flaking and that is neither pretty nor comfortable. Olive oil soap is a gentle enough cleanser to not strip your natural oils. It allows sebum, sweat, and skin shedding to continue as usual. This is perfect for the colder months where all the layers you wear can literally smother your skin. Olive oil based soaps will not clog your pores or otherwise interfere with normal skin function. Buy a natural olive oil soap - they are rich in glycerin. Glycerin is a by-product of the saponification reaction and it's one of the most moisturizing substances you can put on your skin. Most cosmetics brands put it in face creams and body lotions but remove it from soaps. Natural olive oil soap retains the glycerin, which makes the soap even better at moisturizing!
It Keeps Your Skin Youthful
Free radicals are all around us. These highly reactive chemicals actively damage cells down to the molecular level. They are potentially cancer-causing and they definitely accelerate ageing. Antioxidants can pick up these harmful radicals and neutralize their negative effect. Olive oil is very rich in antioxidants - it's actually one of the best plant sources of these miraculous little compounds! Both vitamins E and A, as well as the mono and polyunsaturated fats, act as antioxidants. By applying olive oil to your face, whether pure, in the form of a face cream, or as a soap, you protect your skin from oxidative damage. In short: Olive oil stops skin ageing down to the DNA level!No Allergies With Olive Oil Soap
Olive Oil Soap: In Conclusion
There are so many perks of switching to natural olive oil soap... And I surely didn't mention all of them! But the bottom line here is clear: you can reap tons of benefits by incorporating it in your beauty routine. Look for a natural brand and see as your skin begins to glow!Place your order of Selo Olive Oil today to have a bottle of the finest Croatian extra virgin olive oil sent straight to your door so that you can enjoy what you’ve been missing: ultra premium olive oil from the Dalmatian coast of Croatia.